For decades we have been taught that fat is bad for us, carbohydrates better, and that the key to a healthy weight is eating less and exercising more. Yet despite this advice, we have seen unprecedented epidemics of obesity and diabetes. Taubes argues that the problem lies in refined carbohydrates, like white flour, easily digested starches, and sugars, and that the key to good health is the kind of calories we take in, not the number.
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You can take control of your health, lose weight, prevent disease, and enjoy a long and healthy life. The unique nutritional program outlined in Eat Rich, Live Long is designed by experts to help you feel great while you eat delicious and satisfying foods.
Millions of people have gotten healthy through low-carb plans over the years—and a growing number have discovered the wonderful benefits of ketogenic (Keto) nutrition. Many are confused, though, about how low-carb they should go. Now, Eat Rich, Live Long reveals how mastering the low-carb/Keto spectrum can maximize your weight loss and optimize your health for the long term.
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The keto diet made 5-ingredient fast for busy people
Keto success is achieved by following low-carb principles, but the busy ketogenic dieter may find themselves distracted before reaching their diet destination. The Easy 5-Ingredient Ketogenic Diet Cookbook is more than a set of keto recipes, it’s a simple, adaptable solution to help maintain your keto diet no matter how hectic your lifestyle.
Perfect for on-the-go keto, The Easy 5-Ingredient Ketogenic Diet Cookbook provides 125 quick, keto-compliant recipes using a handful of easy-to-find ingredients. These low-carb, one-container meals can easily be modified to fit your own tastes, so you can keep your keto unique and utterly delicious.
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Mounting scientific research is confirming that eating a ketogenic diet could represent one of the greatest nutritional breakthroughs of our time—and that it might be the healthiest and most effective weight loss strategy ever. Going “keto” by eating high fat, low-to-moderate protein and low-carb foods enables you to break free from the disastrous effects of carbohydrate dependency by resetting your metabolism and promoting metabolic flexibility—where your body learns to burns fat instead of sugar for energy, even when you go off plan.
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One of the nation’s top clinical nutritionists presents her 14-day program for treating and reversing gluten sensitivity, a condition that affects as much as 35 to 50 percent of the U.S. population and is a major contributing factor to an array of chronic illnesses

From the coach of Lance Armstrong and several more of the world’s greatest athletes comes a revolutionary eating plan for all active people – from weekend warriors to elite competitors to those just trying to lose a few pounds and be more fit.

Shed unwanted pounds and keep them off ONCE AND FOR ALL with Run Your Butt Off!, a back-to-basics, test panel–approved weight-loss plan and beginners’ running program that yields sustainable, healthy results. The Run Your Butt Off!program is founded on the simple concept that in order to lose weight, calories burned must exceed calories consumed. No gimmicks, no shortcuts, no silver bullets can circumvent that reality

Now with a fresh design and thoroughly updated information, Runner’s World Complete Book of Women’s Running is designed specifically to address the unique challenges and rewards the sport presents to the fastest growing segment of the market—women runners

Maximum results with minimal equipment.
Developed by renowned strength and conditioning coach Allen Hedrick, Dumbbell Training features the most effective dumbbell exercises for increasing strength, power, and muscle mass. Targeting the core, upper body, lower body, and total body, the more than 81 exercises are accompanied by step-by-step instructions, common errors and corrections, and safety considerations. Expert insights,

The vast territory of cycling and its facets will become a welcome terrain for any rider who wants to ride smarter, faster, and safer using this incredible wealth of knowledge. As the sales of new bicycles increase every year, these helpful tips will educate and inform beginning cyclists so they perform to the maximum potential, all while having fun.,

Whether you’ve been weight training for years or are newly interested in getting toned, Essential Strength Training Skillsoffers advice ideal for both beginners and seasoned veterans.Providing clear and accessible exercise tips that can help anyone get into peak physical condition, Essential Strength Training Skills is perfect for all ages and skill levels, an will help you improve your game, your technique, and your creativity.

Millions of people want to add muscle, get stronger, and look fit as a result. But when they look for expert guidance, they face a sea of self-proclaimed fitness gurus who say they have a can’t-miss program for fast and easy results. So where do you look for solid, no-nonsense advice you can trust from true experts in the strength training field?

Almost 75 percent of health and longevity is based on lifestyle, environment, and nutrition. Yet even if you follow a healthful diet, you probably don’t get all the nutrients you need to prevent disease. In What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & More, Dr. Pamela Smith explains how you can maintain health through the use of nutrients.