Intermediate Exercise Program:
During your first several months of beginning an exercise program you have learned a lot. You have become consistent, you have learned to perform exercises correctly and your diet that you follow is more structured. Now that you have some experience following a basic beginners program you are ready for more of a challenge in your exercise program.
Intermediate Exercise Program:
During your first several months of beginning an exercise program you have learned a lot. You have become consistent, you have learned to perform exercises correctly and your diet that you follow is more structured. Now that you have some experience following a basic beginners program you are ready for more of a challenge in your exercise program.
Sample Program:
Day 1 (Monday): Chest/Triceps
Flat Bench Press (Barbell) 3 x12
Incline Bench Press (DB) 3 x10
Lying Chest Fly’s (DB) 3 x12
Triceps Cable Press-down 3 x12
Triceps Kickbacks (DB) 3 x10
Bench Dips 3 x10
Weighted 3 Position Sit-Ups 3 x10
Weighted 2 Position Sit-Ups 3 x10
Russian Twist 3 x10
20-minute cardio
Day 2 (Tuesday): Back/Biceps
Machine Front Lat-Pulldown 3 x12
Bent over barbell Rows 3 x10
Lat-Extension 3 x12
Standing Barbell curl 3 x12
Standing DB Hammer Curl 3 x12 each
Plank Series 3 sets until failure.
20-minute cardio
Day 3 (Wednesday): Rest Day.
Day 4 (Thursday): Legs
Barbell Back Squats 3 x10
DB Walking Lunge 3 x10 each
Step Up (Barbell or DB) 3 x10 each
Standing calf raises 3 x12
Weighted 3 Position Sit-Ups 3 x10
Weighted 2 Position Sit-Ups 3 x10
Russian Twist 3 x10
20-minute cardio
Day 5 (Friday): Shoulder/Traps
Seated Shoulder Press (Barbell or DB) 3 x12
DB Front Raise 3 x12
DB Side Raise 3 x12
DB Reverse Flys 3 x12
Shoulder Shrugs (Barbell or DB) 3 x12
Plank Series 3 sets until failure.
Day 6 (Saturday): Cardio & Flexibility
30-minute cardio session followed by stretching
Day 7 (Sunday)
Use the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale below to get started in determining how hard to exercise.
Perceived Exertion Scale:
- Level 1: I’m watching TV and relaxing on the couch.
- Level 2: I’m comfortable and could maintain this pace all day long.
- Level 3: I’m still comfortable, but am breathing a bit harder.
- Level 4: I’m sweating a little, but feel good and can carry on a conversation effortlessly.
- Level 5: I’m just above comfortable, am sweating more and can still talk easily.
- Level 6: I can still talk, but am slightly breathless.
- Level 7: I can still talk, but I don’t really want to. I’m sweating heavily.
- Level 8: I can grunt in response to your questions and can only keep this pace for a short time period.
- Level 9: I can only maintain this pace and effort fro a few seconds.
- Level 10: I feel like I am going to pass out at any moment.
Day 1 (Monday): Chest/Triceps
Flat Bench Press (Barbell) 3 x12
Incline Bench Press (DB) 3 x10
Lying Chest Fly’s (DB) 3 x12
Triceps Cable Press-down 3 x12
Triceps Kickbacks (DB) 3 x10
Bench Dips 3 x10
Weighted 3 Position Sit-Ups 3 x10
Weighted 2 Position Sit-Ups 3 x10
Russian Twist 3 x10
20-minute cardio
Day 2 (Tuesday): Back/Biceps
Machine Front Lat-Pulldown 3 x12
Bent over barbell Rows 3 x10
Lat-Extension 3 x12
Standing Barbell curl 3 x12
Standing DB Hammer Curl 3 x12 each
Plank Series 3 sets until failure.
20-minute cardio
Day 3 (Wednesday): Rest Day.
Day 4 (Thursday): Legs
Barbell Back Squats 3 x10
DB Walking Lunge 3 x10 each
Step Up (Barbell or DB) 3 x10 each
Standing calf raises 3 x12
Weighted 3 Position Sit-Ups 3 x10
Weighted 2 Position Sit-Ups 3 x10
Russian Twist 3 x10
20-minute cardio
Day 5 (Friday): Shoulder/Traps
Seated Shoulder Press (Barbell or DB) 3 x12
DB Front Raise 3 x12
DB Side Raise 3 x12
DB Reverse Flys 3 x12
Shoulder Shrugs (Barbell or DB) 3 x12
Plank Series 3 sets until failure.
Day 6 (Saturday): Cardio & Flexibility
30-minute cardio session followed by stretching
Day 7 (Sunday)
Use the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale below to get started in determining how hard to exercise.
Perceived Exertion Scale:
- Level 1: I’m watching TV and relaxing on the couch.
- Level 2: I’m comfortable and could maintain this pace all day long.
- Level 3: I’m still comfortable, but am breathing a bit harder.
- Level 4: I’m sweating a little, but feel good and can carry on a conversation effortlessly.
- Level 5: I’m just above comfortable, am sweating more and can still talk easily.
- Level 6: I can still talk, but am slightly breathless.
- Level 7: I can still talk, but I don’t really want to. I’m sweating heavily.
- Level 8: I can grunt in response to your questions and can only keep this pace for a short time period.
- Level 9: I can only maintain this pace and effort fro a few seconds.
- Level 10: I feel like I am going to pass out at any moment.
Stationary Bike Workout:
If you’re just getting started with exercise, this stationary bike workout will help you ease your way into cardio exercise. The bike is a great choice if you need less stress on the joints while conditioning your heart and lower body. Upon completion of the stationary bike workout stretch your lower body. You may progress this workout until you reach 30 minutes.
Beginner Stationary Bike:
Time, Intensity Level, & RPE:
– 5 Minute Warm Up – Warm up at a comfortable pace. Keep intensity low. RPE : 4
– 3 Minutes – Increase resistance 1-4 levels. You will start to work harder than your warm up. You should be able to carry on a conversation. This is your baseline level. RPE: 5
– 2 Minutes – Increase your resistance level and/or pace. Carrying on a conversation is possible but not easily maintained. RPE : 6-7
– 3 Minutes – Decrease your resistance and/or pace back to baseline level. RPE : 5
-2 Minutes – Increase your resistance and/or pace again. As before, carrying on a conversation is possible but difficult. RPE : 6-7
– 5 Minutes – Cool down at a comfortable pace. Decrease your resistance and pace back to a comfortable level. RPE : 4
– Total Time = 20 Minutes
Treadmill Walking:
Walk for as long as you can and stop when necessary if you feel uncomfortable or if you are working to hard and need to rest. Upon completion of walking stretch your lower body. Progress this program until you have reached 30 minutes. Use the RPE scale above.
Time, Intensity Level & RPE:
– 5 Minute Warm Up – Walk at a comfortable pace to warm up. RPE : 4
– 3 Minutes – Increase your walking pace. You will start to walk quicker than your warm up pace. You should be able to carry on a conversation. This is your baseline level. RPE : 5
– 2 Minutes – Increase your walking pace. Carrying on a conversation is possible yet not easily maintained. RPE: 6-7
– 3 Minutes – Decrease your walking pace back to baseline level. RPE: 5
– 2 Minutes – Increase your walking pace once again. As before, carrying on a conversation is possible but difficult. RPE : 6-7
– 5 Minutes – Cool down at a comfortable pace. Decrease your pace back to a comfortable level. RPE : 4
– Total Time = 20 minutes
Time, Intensity Level & RPE:
– 5 Minute Warm Up – Walk at a comfortable pace to warm up. RPE : 4
– 3 Minutes – Increase your walking pace. You will start to walk quicker than your warm up pace. You should be able to carry on a conversation. This is your baseline level. RPE : 5
– 2 Minutes – Increase your walking pace. Carrying on a conversation is possible yet not easily maintained. RPE: 6-7
– 3 Minutes – Decrease your walking pace back to baseline level. RPE: 5
– 2 Minutes – Increase your walking pace once again. As before, carrying on a conversation is possible but difficult. RPE : 6-7
– 5 Minutes – Cool down at a comfortable pace. Decrease your pace back to a comfortable level. RPE : 4
– Total Time = 20 minutes
Elliptical Workout:
An elliptical or other cross trainer piece of equipment is needed. Your legs may get tired easily or quickly if you are not use to an elliptical trainer. Progress this program until you have reached 30 minutes.
Time, Intensity Level, & RPE:
– 5 Minute Warm Up – Warm up at comfortable pace to warm up. Keep the resistance level and ramp level low. RPE : 4
– 3 Minute – Increase your pace and raise resistance level and/or ramp. You will start to work but should be able to carry a conversation. This is your baseline level. RPE : 5
– 2 Minutes – Increase your resistance and/or ramp level. A conversation is possible yet not easily maintained. RPE : 6-7
– 3 Minutes – Decrease your resistance and ramp level back to baseline level. RPE : 5
– 2 Minutes – Increase your resistance and/or ramp level. As before, carrying on a conversation is possible but difficult. RPE : 6-7
– 5 Minutes – Cool down at a comfortable pace. Decrease your resistance and ramp to a comfortable level. RPE : 4
– Total Time 20 minutes
– 5 Minute Warm Up – Walk at a comfortable pace to warm up. RPE : 4
– 3 Minutes – Increase your walking pace. You will start to walk quicker than your warm up pace. You should be able to carry on a conversation. This is your baseline level. RPE : 5
– 2 Minutes – Increase your walking pace. Carrying on a conversation is possible yet not easily maintained. RPE: 6-7
– 3 Minutes – Decrease your walking pace back to baseline level. RPE: 5
– 2 Minutes – Increase your walking pace once again. As before, carrying on a conversation is possible but difficult. RPE : 6-7
– 5 Minutes – Cool down at a comfortable pace. Decrease your pace back to a comfortable level. RPE : 4
– Total Time = 20 minutes