“Results are not guaranteed /typical and they may vary from person to person.”*

“My quality of life has improved 100%. I have struggled with my energy for the past two years. I had gone to different doctors to increase my testosterone levels because I had lab work that stated my testosterone was low. Doctors are hesitant to give you what one needs. HRT has given me what I...
David from San Antonio*

This is the best thing I have discovered for menopause. I feel like I can survive mentally and emotionally. This therapy is awesome. The staff are always helpful and very informative. Sissy……….Made a big difference..feeling so much better. Night sweats and anxiety is gone. I am able to exercise on a consistently. Sex drive is coming...

“Made a big difference. Feeling so much better. Night sweats and anxiety gone. Able to exercise regularly. Sex drive coming back and is much more enjoyable. Look forward to every visit!”
Terri from Kileen, Tx*

“Oh, most definitely. So much better. I just feel like I can cope so much better with everyday life. Sex drive is up and restored. (Thank you) Anxiety and mood swings leveled out. Depression almost gone. Life over all looking better. Thank you.”
Sissy from Thorndale, Tx*

“This works for me. People have to educate themselves and then decide for themselves as well. I’ve had nothing but positive results and recommend people to check it out for themselves.”
Shari from Austin, Tx*

I received Botox for the first time at HWC for the crease between my eyes is gone! I highly recommend this to anyone!
James from Austin*

I am very happy with my botox results. It softended my lines in my forhead and around my eyes. The nurse did a wonderful job and the HWC STAFF is always friendly.